Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In the news ...

Came across an article that made the proverbial 'blood boil' and as usual, got around to thinking how in supposedly moving forward in the developed world, we seem to have just regressed back.

For some reason, we - as in larger terms of the 'human race' - are becoming increasingly obsessed with a vague kind of guerilla justice / kangaroo court verdicts, and just don't have the patience to evaluate the right or wrong in any situation. We want to see people arrested, civilians bombed, general mass chaos and destruction - and THAT strangely assuages our hurt feelings. Weird.

I remember the madness surrounding Kasab's trial. We went after any lawyer who represented Kasab as being unpatriotic and 'Paki' (almost like thats a quality!) heedless of the fact that representing him - just like making minus 20 IQ level music and dance shows or cleaning city drains - is just ... a job. I in fact found it far more healing to my soul that he was forced to face every victim of his - and hear their stories again and again. Yes - he may be so depraved that all of it was like butter off a non-stick pan, but just for that one oft oh-so redeeming chance that he just may, just could actually feel a tinge of guilt! Then we would have succeeded in doing what generations of conflict, warfare, torture, trauma didn't do to him - make him actually, well ... human.

More stuff for blood-boiling-inducing reading. Oh well. Life, I guess.

Signing off,
PS Didn't know I had this capacity to write - ability - yes, capacity - no. Next will be another photoblog.

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