Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How To Open a Show and other such notes ...

Yes I have not blogged. Possibly because nothing of note has occurred. There have been several world incidents that have happened that I could have dropped pearls of wisdom on, but somehow ... meh.

But actually have a topic today - and its a fun one. I recently started watching the third season of the vampire drama - 'True Blood', and although I had self-admittedly thought I'd gag before I saw anything that had more vampires or werewolves in it ... I'm sort of ... umm, intrigued. Hooked - no, I'm not hanging at the corner of my chair waiting for the episode to air in America so that I can run amok on update sites online ... that love I think I have and can possibly only ever express for 'Dexter'. But 'True Blood' is interesting in the more 'wtf' type way, where they seem to be throw in new surprises, characters, twists, turns and oh-my-gosh moments with the regularity of an alarm clock set to go off every 1 minute.

But my post is not about 'True Blood'. Its about its opening credits - and hence, other show opening credits. I love the TB credits - they're wild, spooky, just plain nutzoid and yet pack enough of actual meat in it to make you WANT to see the show. So I decided to put down a list of show credits that have actually MADE me watch their show. For the sake of simplicity, have avoided really old references and stuck to American shows. (I know I know - i just think they invest more in the gloss factor)

PS: This list is by no way exhaustive - if you think I've missed a genuine gem - comment!!!

10) The Ghost Whisperer
Super crap show, and it shows how even a really spooky title sequence can't save you. Even with Jennifer Love Hewitt. In fact this title sequence could have even gone up a few notches if they had just taken her off it.

9) Rome
Yes yes, I'm a sucker for all historical dramas, and 'Rome' was no exception. I totally loved the little dancing figures on the wall, and interspersed with everyday life of Rome, it totally 'caught' you (if you're a history geek) or made you change the channel.

8) The Tudors
Ahem. I can repeat most of the stuff said in the previous entry, but in addition, what made the 'Tudors' opening credits really fun were the little snatches of corruption, religion, sex and death that they casually slipped in. You knew this was going to be one sinful treat - and oh, just in case the point wasn't made - Jonathan Rhys Meyer as the cherry on the top.

7) Weeds
This is a little difficult to explain. And I also have to confess that I knew what the show was about when I watched the opening credits for the first time. But there's this marvelous stepford wives quality to the sequence that totally compels you to at least give it a chance. Of course the breathless singsong just adds to the mystery. (Sorry couldn't add the video here - but you can watch it here And the really cool thing about the Weeds credits is that from the second season onwards, they managed to guarantee people not hitting the fast forward button on the credits by getting different people to sing them.

6) Carnivale
They left nothing out of this one. An X-Files meets history meets grotesque circus meets mythology with a healthy dose of tarot and bloodshed thrown in for good measure. My only possible issue is that they probably had too many things to fit into it.

5) 6 Feet Under
Beautiful. Lilting music and morbid visuals neatly unite in a strangely sanitized colour tone to completely get your curiosity revved up.

4) Mad Men
This one is fungus. I know, the first time you see it, you're like what??? This is such naan-sense. But believe me, if anything grows on you quicker than body hair, its this opening credits sequence. Is it the ghostly music ... unsettling black shadow falling ... the funky ads ... the sudden percussion ... or maybe its just the beautiful simplicity of it all. See it at And once you're done with that, see the Simpsons spoof at

3) Desperate Housewives
(Shoop shoop) Am ducking to avoid the onslaught of beer bottles and coke cans that may be thrown at me for bringing in DH into this pristine list. But believe me - nothing cracked me up as much as the first time I saw the 'Desperate' rendering of housewives down the ages as captured in this totally funny opening credits. They pretty much capture the changing role of women - in their housewife role, and I am hard-pressed to think of another opening credits sequence that relied on humour to introduce their show.

2) True Blood
Well - it did start off my post right! Well, not surprisingly its been made by the same guys who also made the opening credits for my No 1 choice. Unlike my core issue with Carnivale, which was that it sorta 'overspilled' out on exactly what the show could be about - 'True Blood' does nothing of that (even if the show kinda sorta well ... doesn't stick to that bargain!) I can't even begin to list my favourite shots - the opening one of the strange creature in the water, the one hungry eye of the alligator ... the extremely disturbing one of the dead rodent on the road and of course the deep discomfort one feels at the juxtaposition of all those church scenes and the baptism with the raunchy strip club shots. But truly - bloody and beautiful.

1) Tadaaaaaa ... anyone who has ever had a conversation of over 2 minutes with me would know this ... DEXTER!!!
Sigh. In how many ways do I love thee. Watch how a serial killer takes his breakfast and marvel at the violence in our everyday life. There's still a grace and almost lyrical quality to everything he does, which makes it almost difficult for us to tear our eyes away from his fingers. Aah. THIS is truly poetry in film. Enjoy.

That's it folks. There were other contenders of course - but then this is my blog and my favorites :-)

To close, a HILARIOUS viral I came across which I think is worth its weight in pre-Victorian literature ... Jane Austen's Fight Club. See - you're already laughing!!! Cheers. Sush

1 comment:

Goldbug said...

i LOVE this post. what fun. you'd already showed me dexter at home. thanks for the others!