Monday, July 11, 2011

Why I think Google+ is one step ahead of FB

I am not a techie.

I consider myself closer to being a fanboy (or girl in my case) but I repeat, I am not a techie.

But I do love gadgets, new playthings on the internet, new sites, new programs that can do ridiculous things I don't need and widgets that do things that I do.

But I knew Google+ was going to be a whole new ... umm, ballgame.

Google+ has a lot of things to play with ... hangouts, the brilliant automatic linking with Picasa (which had me diving to 'private' all my albums which suddenly were just out there for the world to see - phew). I do however stand by my first status update (is that what they're called on Google+?) in which I offered my opinion that although it was very 'cool' in its look and feel - I did think that the guys at the Big G would have succeeded in making it more user-friendly. Hell, they taught my parents to use email :-)

But coming back to my slightly tall blog title claim - although I'm not sure if Google+ is THE networking tool to do it, I do believe that the future holds ONE networking tool - which is going to run our social lives - online and offline.

To enumerate, I can't see a future with multiple sliding on my tablet / phone between my Facebook, Gmail, Office mail, Google+, GoogleTalk, Skype, Twitter, mobile calling, SMS ... whatever. One of these big guys is either going to, or has already gone for the jugular - ONE ring to rule them all, ONE program to hold it all.

You pick up your phone / tablet / PC / Mac - and you're signed in. You see a list of names, each in their own ... umm, 'circles'? You can either call / SMS / video call / IM / email / Twit them, with stuff like 'tagging', 'attaching' obviously inbuilt. I think the program is what might differ - but every program will HAVE to offer all these communication options and solutions. So it would Facebook v/s Google v/s whoever ... but they would all essentially be clones of each other in terms of what they could accomplish communication-wise for the ordinary user. So person A wouldn't necessary dial a phone number to reach person B, but would dial / SMS / email / tag / videocall an email ID. That would be the one all-pervasive way of reaching you. You are your email ID, or phone number - depending on what you choose to be your online & offline identity.

So according to me, the biggest issue in the future is going to continue to be that of privacy, but essentially dealing with new ways of 'virtually' separating work and personal lives. That would require much more stronger demarcation between friends, family, acquaintances, work colleagues, and a forced attempt by the program itself, to get you to make those tough decisions and draw the lines ... or circles, as they may be :-)

I think we're already ridiculously close to what I mentioned above - especially with FB including Skype in their to-do list, and Google+ with their 'Hangout'. But lets face it - the most difficult thing to 'export' out of your life is your email address, and Google owns you through their Gmail ID. I for one, can't see myself electing to sidle over to FB or any other social network - one's email address is the biggest physical, emotional and virtual investment. It looks like they're all trying to reach that golden ideal of being 'everything' you can do online - and for me, I would any day put my money on the G boyz to bring home that bacon.


Anonymous said...

True, it is an either/or situation. And it all depends on how many switch to Google.

Look at orkut, where it was in the beginning and what's left of it now.

FB did that.

check out this article as well, which mirrors my feelings on G+ quite perfectly.

Kedar said...

I agree with you, for most of the part. It's just the last email bit that I can't agree to. I see myself interacting more with my friends on FB messages than through email. For me, email is more for the serious kind of mailing. And now with FB also offering an all-out email service, I am not quite sure if the G really has the upper hand...

Sushma Bharath said...

@Kedar - I know what you're saying ... but somehow I think I'm more likely to give someone my gmail address if they ask how to reach me, rather than a FB email ID. Of course, then we also need to account WHO is the person asking (official or more social), because possible your answer might change?!

Goldbug said...

i'm a gmail addict so i hear you and i'm right behind google+ project! i hope it pans out well. With Fb tying up with skype, hangout may lose its edge if it takes time. but i for one would love that we don't have to teach thussu how to opt for free trials if the hangout option of upto ten on chat works!