Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Nazi Finishing School. Nice.

Spent my first sunday in Deutschland soaking up some history at the very historic 'Vogelsang' site - often referred to as Hitler's forgotten castle, or more inappropriately, a 'finishing' school for Nazis. Don't want to imagine what the curriculum was like ... (Torture 101 anyone? followed by back-to-back lectures of Gas Inhalation 102 ...)

Else, see the pictures!

Above is the main barracks / central area ...

And this the view from the main barracks ... hey, at least you can't fault the Fuhrer on a sense of style!

I know ... there's some advertising guy thinking he has JUST bagged the Cannes Lion for this yellow rubbish. Sheesh.

These were the barracks that the soldiers of the future were expected to stay in - I know, fairly plush-y. But pls to note the de-cline of 20% slope (is that the opposite of incline?) which I happily skipped down with my nimble feet. Needless to confess, the trip back was not that pleasing, and I was exactly 20 steps from cutting my feet off and sacrificing them to the patron saint of Vozelgang.

If you bothered going through the link before, you'd read about the "monstrous five-meter high Germanic 'Torch Bearer'". Gaurav did try to prove his cadidature, but he was disqualified on grounds of the fact that he was holding a ladys handbag and various other fairly irrelevant factors.

An overall view of the whole place - it was fairly huge and took around 2 collapsed lungs, 1 and a half damaged knees and a dollop of sanity to finish.

The few good men who line the football stadium ... umm, i.e. of course until they had most of their 'good parts' knocked off during the invasion by irate troops who considered even granite carved stone figures to be the 'real german thing'.

Phew ... that took years. Now I understand why I'm considered out-of-date ... one of those little newbies in my office would have done this balancing a ferris wheel on one hand and a juggling clown on their nose. Oh well - all I can promise is that ... THE LAYOUT WILL GET BETTER!!!

SIGNING OFF (damn forgot to take off the caps :-)



Goldbug said...

bloody cool. and really? it was a training camp? sheesh. great pics. and u always were namby pamby. loser.

Sushma Bharath said...

i was namby pamby??? dudeeeeeeee!!!