Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Rich Zoo or Day 3

Day 3 - It was our final day in Zurich - and we had decided to specifically spend it IN Zurich ... so pictures from the city follows.

Now usually in every city, we end up doing the same circuit - the museums, the Churches etc etc. So we decided to shake it up a bit, and do stuff we may not have traditionally chosen to do before.

We started our day bright and early at the Zurich Plant Observatory. They have a huge selection of tropical, non-tropical and the rest of the major classifications (obviously you are realizing that my botanical knowledge is fairly weak) but the fun stuff was definitely the insectivorous plants, the range of flowers and the huge greenhouses they were kept in.

Non-flower people - you can skip right upto the part where the colors stop ... if you want explanations of any of the flowers below - i don't know ... wikipedia it??!!!


















Right. So Flower Show 2010 ends here. Now on to Zurich. More importantly, by this time we were ready to eat 2 Swiss cows, so it was important we wend our way to the nearest Swiss restaurant (in this case - Swiss Chuchi - will recommend this restaurant till my dying breath) and eat ... ... ...


Swiss Cheese Fondue. Heaven. In. Cheese. Form.

The streets of Zurich are also fairly steep ... check this out.


After which we walked up to a viewing point of Lake Zurich and the surrounding areas ...

My dear husband obliged me with a mandatory I-am-king-of-the-world pic ...

And some random snaps around the city ...

Don't ask, won't explain.

They have a lot of museums in Zurich. I mean, a lot. Some almost seem they've been invented for the sake of getting people to come in. Refer the above pic.

From there we went to the Art Museum of Zurich ... lovely, but no point putting up pics of stuff that were good. Now calling all the 'arty' types - WHAT, and I mean WHAT makes THIS art???!!!!

I am not referring to African Stick Insect - pray why should a canvas with two yellow lines on it be art??!!

And lets take that thought a step further and remove the yellow as well - voila, a canvas of white paint for ze art connoisseurs ...

And now I will tell a three-year old to draw a mountain with pencil and dribble a dash of red on the top, and call it - The Vengeance of Perseus. Yes. That's what I will do ...

But why bother with the red? The deep inferences of 'Goethe in Italy' ... yes, thats what this one is called. Where's Goethe? Who cares. Where's Italy? Why bother. I would call it the much more truthful, but much less poetic - 'When-I-Get-Bored-In-Meetings-And-Only-Have-A-Pencil-And-Paper'.

So ends our experiments with modern art. Obviously we do not get it, and right now I am wrapping up my post, because I need to submit my niece's pencil doodles for acceptance to the Louvre in Paris. So excuse pliss.

We ended the day at the 'Jules Verne Bar & Observatory'. The main part was closed, but they did give us some fabulous drinks and a gorgeous view to contemplate our last hours in Zurich.

So that's that. I am hours away from going back to India now, and its been a fairly exciting (to say the least!) European sojourn. Will definitely cram one more European tata post in sometime ... and then hopefully my Bombay blogging adventures shall begin.

Adieu, au revoir, ciao and all that.


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