Sunday, October 10, 2010

Nice Nice.

Its been a week I guess? Or a little lesser for me to put up my next post on nice Nice - but better late than never and more importantly, anyone with functioning eyes will notice a kind of 'similarity' in the pictures. It was a cloudy grey day and combined with the brilliant blues of the Mediterranean - it made a picture that you just couldn't stop taking.

Tell me you don't agree with me ... na? After a little walking around we decided to take the little dinky train that ran around the town (btw which we realized is a staple component of French tourism - tiny little trains that take you around the town at dangerous speeds of 2-3 kms/hr ensuring that you are always the object of much ire from regular Pierres on the road in their fancy gaddis).

Desi restaurant ... I know, I know ... what can I say? The decor just drew my attention ...

The central area of Nice ... loved the checkerboard pavement.

Love the Greco-French-whatever windows? Take a closer look - other than the window, its all paint!

From here, the train ascended to the top of the nearby hillock from where we could get a more panoramic view of the beachfront. Outstanding - I subject you to more pictures.

2 final videos ... one from Cannes again - this was something I found near the train station. For movie history buffs, its a kind of dedication to one of the first 'movies' ever - Train arriving at Station - by the Lumiere Brothers. I checked and confirmed that this wasn't THE station, but it was close enough - South of France and on the waterfront.

This was the view of the entire waterfront from the top of Nice. Simply astounding.

So thats it. I can make a thousand promises to continue my blogging adventures in Bombay, but as my experience has shown ... that seems like a tough-ish bet to follow up on. But anyway, till later whenever - aur revoir and mucho gracias.


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