Friday, June 11, 2010

Of Heids and Bergs

Picking up right where I left off ... we then wended our way to very pretty Heidelberg, which is possibly most well-known for its fairy tale castle ... the city also known for being one of the few American military bases in Europe after they squicheed their way in post WWII on pure holocaust guilt-tripping. Why they're still there? Beats me!

Lots of pictures - mostly taken from the riverside (totally Enid Blytonish I know) and from the bridges that connect the castle-side to the ... umm, well non-castle side.

Isn't that totally fairy-taleish? Another view below ...

And to give a 360 degree view of it ... a vid of course.

And so if you see something which looks so beautiful - you of course want to go to have a closer look ... all 300 steps of it :-) Which of course turned out to be hugely underestimated, as the crafty builders had sweetly indicated the number of steps to climb at the very beginning, and had also marked each step ... BUT neglected to mention huge patches of climb which were slope-ish in between. But nevertheless, I found the climb highly doable (especially when you KNOW how many steps there are, there's something oddly reassuring about it), but would not recommend the same to several people I know who think that large sized malls need to come with golf carts.

(Me confirming with Nina that we HAVE to walk up the whole way and there is no easier route)

Tons more pictures from inside the castle which showcase its grandliness ...

Part of the castle fortification that fell off after some nasty bouts of lightening ...

And now for some fun random ones.

Pls, don't cry Rabbit.

La la la la la .. doo dooo daaa ...

"The time you ask? Let me just have a look at ... wtf??!!!"

And another final view from the top ...

Oh well. It was tons of fun, and in the night, we were treated to a fireworks display over the hills which was put up specially for touristy chaps like us. This was preceded by a delicious Thai dinner (Thanks Nina!!! :-) and after which we found our ways back home. The next day, we were back in good old Aachen, and routine life. Aah, well. Next on next.

Cheerios my dear readers numbering 3 (on a good day) ...

Warm Regards and all that ...


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