Friday, June 11, 2010

Whine Fest and Little Rest

I finally get down to documenting our Heidelberg-Mannheim trip. Although you may incorrectly presume that it had something to do with a recovery from an alcohol-induced haze, nothing could be further from the truth. It was recovery from incidents FOLLOWING an alcohol-induced haze. If you want the more sordid details - I am afraid that they are way too sensitive and grotesque to be verbally paraded around a blogpost. Personal calls only, please.

So anyway, it was a lovely weekend filled with tons of sun - it started on Friday with a trip down to Mannheim station from where a dear friend picked us up to take us to a delightful place called 'Worms' ... and before I spot any sniggers, in poor Worms defense, it is pronounced as 'Varms' and not the more genus creepabilis 'Worms'. We all then made our way to a very picturesque village wine festival (yes, Germany does make wine too - I was not that drunk that I couldn't make out the difference between beer and wine, thank you very much). Lots of pictures from the fields around and at the fest ...

So the first 2 pictures are obviously those that I expect will win me a Pulitzer for most 'Artistic Composition and Creative Depth', but after that - the entry to the fest and the vineyards we had to walk through to get there. But if you feel you're not really getting a sense of the festival - not to fear when funf is here. (Don't bother laughing - its a private Germanic joke - which only I get. Ha ha. Sigh. Video below.)

Now I shall carefully document the phases at which we slowly but surely started losing minds due to vicious alcohol poisoning.

Phase 1 - Buying the glass ... jovial and happy.

Phase 2 - Wine tasting n ... 20% talli (Pls note that copious amounts had already been consumed prior to entry at festival)

Phase 3 - What lovelyizz colours??!! hic.

Phase 4 - Check out the eclipze ... zo beeyootiful.

Phase 5 - Cherries! Sorry, Cheers!!! (90% talli)

Phase 6 - Am smiling for the camera ... everyone say konica!!!

Phase 7 - We just habe to go on bump-bump carz ... suz fun!

Phase 8 - (Removed due to sensitive nature)

So that's that. Post those bright lights, my mind is a vacuous haze. On to the next day, pls. For me as well, dear folks ... next blog post material required ... Heidelberg tomorrow.

Back to Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose. My parents were right, a shard of intelligence has placed itself in me - I am totally following and enjoying this book. Do pick it up - very relevant and interesting read, especially in todays troubled times in the Church.


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