Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And time goes on - like chewing gum.

Bad Sushma. Very bad Sushma. No post since umm ... possibly a week? But rest assured my loyal fan base of max 3 pax, I have an astoundingly good reason for it. Actually not just one - but three thousand of them. Yes, yes yes to those who have actually read my blog ... my 3000 piece epic jigsaw puzzle is over. ('Thank you thank you muah muah")

Its been fairly involving to say the least, and although I have not spent ALL my waking moments doing the puzzle, it does warm the cockles of my heart that I have wrapped it in less than a month, closer to 3 weeks. Considering the last time I finished one - an 1800 piece scenery which is currently framed above my bed in Dubai - that took me a good part of my 2 month summer vacation when I was just around 16. So the possible takeaway of this is that the oft-repeated 'older-wiser' argument does hold good - especially in my case. And for any other jigsaw puzzle enthusiasts out there, you would understand that compelling need to keep at it - especially when you feel that you're dastardly close to plugging in that last piece.

But apologies apart - yes, there has been an unnecessary gap in my blogging habits, and I am determined that this should not happen again. At least for the next few days :-) Also realized that I never finished putting up pictures from our Brussels sojourn, so think there's enough material to fill up at least another 2 entries. So here goes ... for starters, pictures of US!!!

This is in some beautiful gardens alongside the Atomium, which was supremely rich in flora and fauna (as evidenced by the next bunch of pics) and which I felt could JUST be a location for the next SRK-Kajol dil ka ballad.

The next day, we wound our way to the 'Grand Place' ... yes, its 'Place' and not 'Palace' as one may judge, considering the Belgians to be faulty in missing an 'a' in their spelling. Its a fairly awesome central square, surrounded by lovely old buildings on all sides, including the Brussels Museum, the Chocolate Museum (total waste of time - have to tripadvisor this before some other poor loon spends 6 euros on it, in our case - 12), the Brewery Museum (stayed away since it looked to be going down that same fated path as the Choc Museum) and etc etc. Video this time - to totally capture the experience ... as you can see, steadicam operator can most definitely NOT be one of my alternative professions ...

And then some more pretty pictures ...

We also made a pit stop at the very cute 'Theatre De Toone', a super cute establishment which stages local puppet theatre, which we were extremely regretful to have missed. Even if you don't make a show there, I would highly recommend going there for the atmosphere and for a drink. Totally worth it.

And finally Gallerie Du Obscure ... captions follow for each :-)

Finally a beer that I like ... YES!!! Although it probably had enough saccharine to momentarily dull my senses if I was hit by a speeding truck.

They like cows. Really. That's why they made these unfortunate cows assume these horribly embarrassing poses. I assume.

These are the gifts I'm getting all you girls when I'm back ... horrendously colored plastic watches. They're all the rage in Euro trash.

Ahah! Tricked you?! Its not 'Ford Ka ..' as in 'Ford Ka Jalwa' or 'Ford Ka Aatank' ... 'Ford Ka' is the new Ford model that has been launched in Europe and is second in advertising visibility only to H & M's bikini summer blitz. Bas***ds. Haven't they had a look outside their windows??!!! IT'S 8 DEGREES!!!!

And semi-finally ... you didn't think we'd go to Brussels and miss the piss did you? (Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manneken_Pis for ignoramuses) But since you can always see thousands of pictures of that - I've got you a better one. Wait wait ... chocolate (belgians, chocolate etc etc), coloured mannekin pis-es!

Adios, my friends. Till the next wave of writing hits.

1 comment:

Goldbug said...

i just don't get the pissing boy. Really. recently a travel co. has been using him in their newspaper ads!! so you have the copy on the right side and teh boy is pissing over it! what are they trying to say?!! i love the cows! uber cool. hahah. and the watches. i'm a trashy tramp anyway.