Monday, May 17, 2010

Listen Kerrfully ... Becuz I Wills Writ Thees Anlee - Ven or Belgium Day 1

And so. We are back from the land of the Sprouts. So many things to write about and so difficult to pick a starting point, but I guess as Maria Von Trapp put it ... the beginning IS a very good place to start.

We got into a dinky little train on Friday night ... I call it dinky because it would have filled up in 0.05 seconds at Dadar, even if people were stuffed in all directions. Almost expected Hagrid to walk out and yell 'all aboard'.

It took us a teensy weensy bit under 2 hours, but we were in ze Brussels! (where they speak ze French) Regretted for about a nanosecond not having chosen French as my optional subject in college, but soon recollected how most classmates even after a year, were unable to move beyond 'oui'. Along the way I tried my best to capture 'Le Cow Magnifique' or 'The Perfect Cow', but the glass or trees usually got in the way. Perfect why? Ohhh ... black and white against green, most of them looked like they just jumped out of a butter or milk commercial. My attempts below.

I know what you're thinking. Why am I wasting time seeing pictures of cows when she has obviously seen more interesting things?! Absolutely my dear readers / reader / imaginary friends ... there was tons more stuff we did. Just that I believe like in the style of classical Hindi television - drama needs to be stretched out like bubblegum until you're at the verge of almost losing interest. That's when you throw in a real humdinger ... like this one!

We stayed at this charming little tiny hotel called Hotel Opera (and no - there were no drugs there ... I am of the opinion there must have been a discotheque close that was unfortunately named 'Drug Opera') but where we stayed was remarkably undruggy and big enough to accommodate only one of us if we were both wearing tutu skirts. But then again - so much to see and so much to do, so without haste, on to the touristy snaps.

The tiny busy little lane where our hotel was tucked into, and on the right, the very very beautiful Galeries St Hubert ... a kind of grand shopping mall-ish walkthrough with shops on either side.

But of course ... all this were mere precursors to the highlight of our trip ... our visit to the Musee Herge or the Tin Tin Museum in the outskirts of the city. Unfortunately, no pictures were allowed inside the main museum, but needless to say - it was truly an experience. Magnifique! Pics from inside the the main centre - simply lovely structure itself ...

It was for me a total recollection of why I had loved reading Tin Tin (although I have to admit a fonder heart for a little indomitable Gaul) and how I really felt like those were the books that took me places - literally - China, South America, Europe and even the Moon! We must have bought back enough Tin Tin paraphernalia to last us a lifetime ... all in the name of 'we'll-never-come-back-here-again' :-) But I sure do hope I do! (PS Even the ticket stubs were Tin Tin panels!)

Obviously tons more to write - but dinner beckons. Next instalment - our failed Atomium trip, a Belgian Party and Odds & Ends. Enough said.


1 comment:

Goldbug said...

ticket stubs too!!! God alive! they really know how to do stuff. So exciting. Makes me want to jump up and think think think.