Friday, June 18, 2010

Futbol Shutbol Hai Rabba!

Football Fever is officially on. I am admittedly, a fair-weather football fan. Exactly a weekend back, I would have possibly not been able to distinguish between a football and a tennis ball if they were dipped in paint ... but today, I watch each match hawk-eyed, with cutting criticism worthy of Pele's papa or Maradona's mama.

Its an easy enough game to watch and pass comments on ... none of the intricacies or erudition of cricket or even tennis for that matter, and a fairly single-minded aim while you're on the field. Ball --> Inside Goal Area. I doubt even the most sports-challenged amongst my friends would find it difficult to follow THAT simple rule!

Of course, recent events have forced Germany to hang their beer mugs in shame, having lost to Serbia in their second round match. As a German friend of GG's astutely noticed, there are very few things that truly unite Germans - football being possibly the only one. Patriotism is not necessarily a a valuable quality here - something which took me a while to understand ... as Indians, we are ritually brain-fed on the whole unity-in-diversity crap, so it was kind of ... well, alarming for me that Germans didn't necessarily need to 'feel' patriotic. UNTIL he made me recall the last world event that actually brought the Germans together as a nation. Aah. Right. The extermination of 6 million Jews. Hmm ... makes sense I guess, in an uncomfortable ahem-ahem type of way.

Also finished reading Sir Attenborough's sort-of biography - 'Entirely Up To You, Darling'. Not what I would consider a nail-biting page-turner, but some parts, especially those that pertained to the making of 'Gandhi', were thoroughly interesting, and totally ha-ha. Loved the part where financiers whom he approached for funding dismissed the film, saying that no one would want to watch a film about 'an old man wearing a sheet and carrying a beanpole'. He had mortgaged everything he owned, and had even forgone his directing fees to make 'Gandhi'. Essentially, he would have been bankrupted if it tanked.

I always wonder what makes these people so certain about what they do. It must take incredible strength to actually take those decisions that could completely ruin ... or rebirth you. And here I go into primordial spasms if I have to choose between penne or rigatoni. Damn.

Pikchurs from Gottingen still due. Pukka tomorrow if the weather is bad and I need to stay indoors. Pwamise. And apologies for the changing design of my blog - I have discovered the 'Change Design' button and still have too much fun pressing each option. Revert back strongly if you had liked any of the options and think it needed to stay that way.

A friend today told me she is my 10th reader. Sniff. I'm touched, I really am. I almost feel like I own my own cult ... in a non-scary-happy-hippie type way, to clarify :-)

Adios folks. Till the writing urge overcomes me again ...

1 comment:

Goldbug said...

i like this blog skin.