Friday, May 14, 2010

Idiocracy and Brussels Sprouts

Watched 'Idiocracy' last night - thought it was in concept one of the smartest movies ever made, was totally not surprised to see it was made by the same guy who made the ever-awesome 'Office Space'. Wow. Hopefully thats not how our future will turn out - but I think for a while during the early 2002s right upto a few years back, we still sort of idolized 'idiocy'. (I think thats how it was spelt) We looked down on people who were smart, believed in things that were 'mass-y' (in contradiction to 'elitist') and dismissed intelligence as being 'stuffy', old-fashioned and something that was generally undesirable. I have sat in several a presentation myself, where especially in the Indian television industry, you are asked to 'dumb it down', make it more 'popular', 'spell it out' ... and sadly, I have often wondered who was right. Our perception of the world / country at large being a large goop of questionable IQs or were we just being 'safe' and catering to what we believe is the largest common denominator?

Hopefully I think things are changing today - people nod appreciatively if they see you doing a crossword or a puzzle, and I sincerely hope thats how the boat will float.

Coincidentally talking of puzzles :-) update on mine. Pic below. Lots of little teeny bits done here and there ... its getting super-addictive.

Plan for the weekend is so on. Train tickets bought, packing not done, B&B booked etc etc. The destination is Brussels of the Belgian fame. We have a fairly packed itinerary of things to do ... hopefully we'll manage to run through most of it.

Our plans include ... the Musee Herge (the Tin Tin Museum little off from Brussels), Atomium, the Grand Place, Cocoa Museum, Brewery Museum, the local Sablon Square Flea Market and Iron Man 2. (Yes, I know the last item is possibly not something indigenous to Brussels, but its been 3 weeks since I saw a movie in a theatre!!!! Aaarghhhh!!!)

Hopefully the climate will allow me to walk around in JUST 3 layers instead of the usual 5 ... sigh, but my Google weather friend is not giving me much hope. Oh well.

Tata and all that ...


Goldbug said...

iron man 2 is a waste of time!! no super hero adrenaline rush at all!

Sushma Bharath said...

well - robin hood wasn't 'ben hur' either ...