Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Robbing Hoodas and the Prince of Peeves

What I REALLY want to know ... much more importantly than whether there is a tooth fairy, the existence of the Bermuda Triangle, Himesh bhai isn't human etc etc ... is WHO gives the green signal for films like Robin Hood???!!!

To briefly summarize my film watching habits - big budget, epic-al, larger than life, 50 billion dollar, special-effects extravaganzas ... are EXACTLY what I like! I think they sort of serve that primal need in me to watch something that just requires you to switch off your brain and cheer along. Sort of like Gladiator ... I was probably the only person who actually didn't wince during the arena fights.

So it was keeping that in mind that we descended to watch Robin Hood in Brussels. Mind you, I'm watching a film in a theatre after a good four weeks, and I could barely keep myself from tippy tapping my way to our seats. By the time the beginning credits rolled, I was literally shaking with uncontrolled glee. (Yes, I love watching movies - almost scarily so. And I'll see any garbage that can find its way to a screen with a red curtain in front of it. So?!)

Aside - All audiences are alike everywhere! We were blessed with a bevy of college kiddies behind us who hooted, aww-ed, clapped and whistled at exactly the same points your average Indian audience would have gone ballistic over. Makes you really think about that small world funda.

My god. I waited and waited for the looting to begin, and the fun music to kick in, and the smug smiles as Robin kicked Sheriff ass ... but it never came. And just at the time when the fun should have kicked in ... they ran some crap text 'And the legend begins ...' and the end credits started rolling. Damn!!! I didn't go there to see Robin Hood's issued personal life and his painful beginnings!

I found a review that also scarily echoed my thoughts ... and also came across some fun stuff ... where Russel Crowe walked out of a radio interview which asked him why he had an Irish voice for an English man, to which he replied "You're barmy, mate" or something of the sort. Ok - fine, not that ... :-)

But truthfully had to admit, that I wouldn't have told off Russel Crowe even if he produced a Gujarati accent for the film ... lets just say he's not been known to take criticism lightly :-)

Of course now, I seriously regret not having chosen Iron Man 2 over Robin Hood ... although that got some super sadness reviews as well. Damn - whats happening to big budget Hollywood? Sniff. I miss Jurassic Park. And Speed.

My recently acquired German now includes the numbers 1 - 10. Yes. Just watch as I conquer grocery stores with this one.

Ciao ...


Goldbug said...

hehe. God. This is terrible. Hoe much is a movie ticket there? Kites here tomorrow.Maybe i'll go see it just for your sake.

Sushma Bharath said...

Puhurty pleaseee ... i really want to watch Kites ... i have this strange feeling that you're going to come back surprised ...

Goldbug said...

bad sushma. no blog post in so many days.